Swiss study on Air Pollution And Lung Disease In Adults
A cohort study in the Swiss general population across 8 cities on effects of air pollution on lung and heart diseases in adults. The study was initiated in 1991 and is currently in the second follow-up study phase.
Air pollution modeling for Switzerland is a subproject within the SAPALDIA study (exposure group). The aim is to provide outdoor air pollution concentrations for specific years in which health surveys have been carried out. A state-of-the-art meteorological model with "online" coupled chemistry (WRF & WRFchem) is used to get the outdoor air pollution concentrations.
July 2006 and July 2008. Field campaigns on Pianosa island.
Impacts of climate change on vegetation in the Upper Rhine Valley. - Sub-project: Micrometeorological measurements of evapotranspiration, CO2-exchange and turbulence charateristics over maize, Eimeldingen (D). 2004-2006.
Climate and Air Pollution Analysis of Cairo. Investigation of energy balance in a megacity in arid environment (2006-08) - Follow-up project (2008-2010)
Basel Urban Boundary Layer Experiment: Investigation of the Urban Boundary Layer with surface and remote sensing instrumentation, tracer experiment and mesoscale modelling approaches in the city of Basel. 2001-2003.
Vertical Transports of Energy and Trace Gases at Anchor Stations and Their Spatial /Temporal Extrapolation under Complex Natural Conditions
Investigation of Turbulent Structures in the Urban Boundary Layer. SNF Project No 2000-040621.94.
Modelling Of Snowmelt And Its Consequences for Drainage Basins at High Latitudes & Geoscientific SPitsbergen Expeditions 1990-1992
As a subcontractor within the EU-Project WATERUSE we carry out micrometeorological measurements in olive orchards (3 campaigns 2001-2003 in Southern Italy and Portugal)
Energy Balance Experiment, San Joaquin Valley of California (USA). International experiment to investigate the closure of the total surface energy budget. 2000-2001.
Climate Analysis Maps for Planning Aspects of Solothurn/Switzerland. Analysis of the climate of the region of Cantone Solothurn/Switzerland as part of the Data User Programme funded by ESA supplying site-specific and aggregated climate information and planning recommendations according to the requirements of planning authorities
"Klimaanalyse der Region Basel"- Climate Analysis of the Basel region. Analysis of the regional climate of Basel/ Switzerland as a joint venture between scientists at the MCR Lab and governmental authorities for air quality control and urban/regional planning affairs.
EU-project Remote Sensing of Mediterranean Desertification and Environmental Stability RESMEDES.
Measurement of soil moisture layers using remote sensors (active microwave [scatterometers] and thermal infra-red)
Micrometeorological measurements of radiation and energy budget at Nenzlinger Weide and integration of data from remote sensing platforms.
The ERS-1 CLImate Project is a feasibility study for potential contributions of ERS-1 SAR data to problems of urban climatology.
International field experiment in the frame of the Mesoscale Alpine Programme in 1999. Investigation of the turbulence structure, the energy balance and the associated exchange processes in the planetary boundary layer inside a deep alpine valley combining micrometeorological surface measurements at steep slopes, ground based remote sensing instrumentation, airborne measurements and satellite imaging.
Regionales Klima Projekt. Hier geht's zum REKLIP-Klimaatlas
July 2005. Field campaign in orange orchard on Sicily. No project page