Basel - Horburg

This very simple station was operated during the SF6-tracer releases by the University of Basel to provide additional information on  wind direction and wind speed near the roof level at the release point "R1". 

Panorama at the tracer release point R1. (download jpeg-image including labels) 19.06.2002
Click with mouse down in the image to move around.

For more representative wind measurements over the whole tracer domain, please use data from the Profiler (RASS) at Basel-Kleinhueningen, which is 1.6km to the NNE, or the turbulence and wind measurements at the main urban site at Basel-Sperrstrasse (700m to the South).

Name Basel - Horburg
Number Ue4 (=Site "R1" for tracer experiments)
Site-Code BHOR
Location easting 611695 m
Location northing 269040 m
Height a.s.l. 254 m (tower base)
Height of tripod 2.8 m
Mean building height zH = 12.7 m, szH = 6.2m (1), Local zH = 15.1m (2) 
Plan aspect ratio lp 0.34 (1)
Frontal aspect ratio <lF> 0.24 (1,3)
Complete aspect ratio lC 1.58 (1)
Surface Flat gravel roof of a parking
Land use Urban, residential / industrial
Operation period June 19 2002 - July 16 2002
(1) inside 250m circle around the site, without vegetation (data from digital building model).
(2) inside 10m circle around the site
(3) Spatial mean value over all wind directions.

List of all parameters

Measured parameters
at Basel - Horburg.
Data Download All data from Basel - Horburg are available for BUBBLE-scientists through the BUBBLE-data download.

The measurements are carried out on a big flat roof of a 15.6m high building. The tower for the release of the tracer gas can be seen on the photograph in the background.19.06.2002.
The wind- and temperature instrumentation are attached to a simple tripod. Wind is measured with a propeller anemometer in 2.8m height (type young). 19.06.2002.



If nothing indicated, photos are by Andreas Christen, University of Basel

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