
The site "Basel-Spalenring" is located in the western part of the city of Basel in an area with a slightly different building structure and especially more trees than Basel-Sperrstrasse. Here, measurements at  the tower on the roof of the former Institute of Meteorology (University of Basel) exist since 1994. In the frame of BUBBLE the instrumentation has been enhanced  by a profile of six ultrasonic anemometers, a wind profiler by MeteoSwiss and a LIDAR operated by the Observatory of Neuchatel.

Panorama from the tower at 33m. (download jpeg-image including labels) 23.08.2002
Click with mouse down in the image to move around.

Landuse and building geometry from a digital building model is available for a 1 km radius around the site.

The Photo shows the urban surface in Northern direction photographed from the tower with one of the six ultrasonic anemometers coupled with a fast hygrometer.

Click to access to full resolution Aerial Photo of the station sourrounding approximately 1 x 1 km (Password protected). The cross on the aerial photo refers to the location where the turbulence tower was installed and the backyard where the wind profiler and the LIDAR were operated.


Name Basel - Spalenring
Number Ue2
Site-Code BSPA
Location easting 610360 m
Location northing 267140 m
Height a.s.l. 278 m (tower base)
Height of tower 38 m
Mean building height zH = 12.5 m, szH = 5.4m (1), Local zH  = 18.0m (2)
Plan aspect ratio lP 0.37 (1)
Frontal aspect ratio <lF> 0.31 (1,3)
Complete aspect ratio lC 1.75 (1)
Surface Vegetated street canyon height to width ratio lS = 1
Land use Urban, residential / commercial 3 to 5 storey building blocks.
Shortwave Albedo 11.3% (3)
Operation periods August 30 2001 - August 19 2002
(turbulence profile)
June 28 2001 - October 2002
(wind profiler)
October 2001 - September 2002
January 1994 - August 19 2002 (standard meteo, wind profile)
(1) inside 250m circle around the site, without vegetation (data from digital building model).
(2) inside 10m circle around the site.
(3) Spatial mean value over all wind directions.

(4) Mean value measured at tower top (March 15 to July 15 2002).

List of all parameters

Measured parameters
at Basel-Spalenring.
Data Download Most of the data from Basel-Spalenring are available for BUBBLE-scientists through the BUBBLE-data download.

018.jpg (24466 bytes)
The tower "Basel-Spalenring" had a total height of 38m from street level, the tower itself was 23m (23.9.2001, 24.9.2001)
Detailed plan of the tower in pdf-format.

from Christen (2005)

024.jpg (24359 bytes) The ultrasonic anemometer profile consisted of six METEK USA-1 that were operated from tower top (38m) down into the street canyon westward of the tower. There are alley trees inside the canyon (24.9.2001).

Click on the Image to view a labeled photograph with the measurement locations

The ultrasonic anemometer profile in a labeled photograph composition illustrating both street canyon and tower. small large
The eddy-correlation system for latent heat flux measurements with a Campbell Scientific Krypton KH20 hygrometer in 29m
The two upper ultrasonic anemometers inside the street canyon (24.9.2001)
The radiation instrumentation on top of the tower included two WRC/Eppley PIR Pyrgeometres and two Kipp & Zonen CM21 / CM11, one in each sphere. (28.6.2001).
The upward-looking  Eppley PIR (28.6.2001)
The radiation instruments during a winter morning situation with dew on the domes.  (23.1.2001).
Fisheye view of the downward-looking radiation instruments 
Photo provided by Geoff Doerksen, UBC
Fisheye view of the upward-looking radiation instruments, with the fixing for the top sonic inside the field of view.
Photo provided by Geoff Doerksen, UBC
Dewpoint sensor of the type "Meteolabor Thygan" (28.6.2001)
A total of 7 psychrometers are installed at Basel Spalenring, inside the street canyon, in the backyard and at the tower. Here, the one in 33m is shown (28.6.2001).
This picture shows the wind-profiler of MeteoSwiss in the backyard (28.6.2001).

> wind-profiler page


The LIDAR operated by the Observatory of Neuchatel on the roof of the Institute building at Basel-Spalenring (6.12.2001). 

> LIDAR Documentation (PDF)

If nothing indicated, photos are by Andreas Christen, University of Basel

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