
During Summer 2002 (IOP) a pneumatic 16m tower was installed with 3  levels of sonic anemometers and full radiation components at tower top over this "European suburban" surface. The site was operated by ETH Zurich, University of Basel and the Bulagarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. 

Panorama from the the tower base at approx. 5m. (download jpeg-image including labels) 24.06.2002
Click with mouse down in the image to move around.

Click to access to full resolution Aerial Photo of the station sourrounding approximately 1 x 1 km (Password protected).
Name Allschwil - Rämelstrasse
Location easting 609250 m
Location northing 267180 m
Height a.s.l. 277 m (tower base)
Height of tower 16 m
Mean building height zH = 7.5 m (1)
Plan aspect ratio lp 0.28 (2)
Surface Garden / flat gravel roof (backyard)
Land use Suburban, single and rows of residential buildings
Shortwave Albedo 13.2% (3)
Operation period June 4 2002 - July 11 2002
(1) first guess only, (2) inside 250m circle around the tower (air photo analysis).
(2) Mean value measured at tower top (June 4 to July 11 2002).

List of all parameters

Measured parameters
at Allschwil
Data Download All data from Allschwil-Rämelstrasse are available for BUBBLE-scientists through the BUBBLE-data download.

The suburban area of Allschwil consists of a relatively homogeneous city part with older single and row houses and small streets. It is about 1 km westward of the urban site "Basel-Spalenring", and at least 1 km away from any rural area. In the backyards are many trees and scrubs. Just below the tower there is a large flat roof.

Labeled photograph of the turbulence instrumentation at the tower, photographed from West. Small Large 03.06.2002
The tower photographed from East. The mean building height is approx. 7.5m.
Detailed plan of the tower in pdf-format.

from Christen (2005)

Radiation boom and topmost eddy covariance system (METEK USA-1, Krypton KH20) at 16m. 03.06.2002
013.jpg (12364 bytes) The typical building structure in the "European suburb" consists of single and row houses with relatively small roads. 15m to the right in the picture, the tower was installed. 20.11.00.



If nothing indicated, photos are by Andreas Christen, University of Basel

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