Allschwil-Rämelstrasse During Summer 2002 (IOP) a pneumatic 16m tower was installed with 3 levels of sonic anemometers and full radiation components at tower top over this "European suburban" surface. The site was operated by ETH Zurich, University of Basel and the Bulagarian National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.
Panorama from the the tower
base at approx. 5m.
(download jpeg-image
including labels) 24.06.2002
The suburban area of Allschwil consists of a relatively homogeneous city part with older single and row houses and small streets. It is about 1 km westward of the urban site "Basel-Spalenring", and at least 1 km away from any rural area. In the backyards are many trees and scrubs. Just below the tower there is a large flat roof.
If nothing
indicated, photos are by Andreas Christen, University of Basel
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