
The long-term energy balance station "Gempen" is located approximately 15 km South of Basel in the Jura mountains. This station of the University of Basel is similar to Basel - Lange Erlen and operated since 1991 over agricultural land. The station is located on a exposed mountain plateau that is 500m higher than the city of Basel. Therefore in most cases the station indicates the synoptic wind forcing. In wintertime the station can be on top of the inversion, which covers the Rhine-plane.

Name Gempen
Number Re4
Location easting 617640 m
Location northing 257965 m
Height a.s.l. 710 m
Height of tower 10 m
Vegetation Grassland / Agricultural Land
Shortwave Albedo 18.1 % (1)
Operation period 1991 - *
(1) Mean value measured 2m above surface  (March 15 to July 15 2002).

List of all parameters

Measured parameters
at Gempen.
Data Download All data from Gempen are available for BUBBLE-scientists through the BUBBLE-data download.

At the 10m tower "Gempen" profiles of wind and temperature / humidity are operated. Additionally soil temperature (4 levels) and soil heat fluxes (3) are measured. 17.05.2000
The radiation instrumentation (Kipp & Zonen CNR1, all components) has unfortunately a field of view that consists half of grassland and half of agricultural land. 02.05.2000
The iced CNR1 radiometer in winter. 15.01.2002. Photo by Roland Vogt, University of Basel.



If nothing indicated, photos are by Andreas Christen, University of Basel

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