database history

Chronological documentation of latest changes and additions to the BUBBLE database.


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Date Site(s) Parameter / Instrument Comment
16.1.2005 BSPR, BSPA, ALLS, GRNZ Mean Wind of Sonics  Error in Database. Vector mean and scalar mean of all Sonic anemometers at BSPA, BSPR, ALLS, BKLI and GRNZ were attributed in a wrong way in the database. Instead of vector mean, the download process extracted scalar mean wind speed of the same instrument and the other way round! Now, this problem has been fixed.
6.10.2004 BSPR, BSPA, ALLS, GRNZ Turbulence  Turbulent length scales determined from autocorrelation and crosscorrelation functions are available in the database.
29.09.2004 BSPR, BSPA, ALLS, GRNZ Turbulence  Peak frequency of turbulence spectra added to the database.
14.02.2004   general  Fixed a technical problem which made it impossible to download time series with time intervals >= 60 min between two measurements. Now, 60min data can be downloaded.
27.01.2004 BSPA, BSPR, VLNF, GRNZ, ALLS, BMES, BLER, BKLH Flux Densities QH, QL, QS and QCO2 Corrected energy and mass flux densities added to the database. The new parameters are:
  • Sensible Heat Flux Density (corrected)
  • Latent Heat Flux Density (corrected)
  • Soil Heat Flux Density (corrected)
  • CO2 Mass Flux Density (corrected)

Information on applied corrections and data processing can be found in the Sonic Data Processing Documentation.

Details on flux corrections can be found in:

Christen A., Vogt R. (2004): Energy and radiation balance of a central European city. Int. J. Climatol. 24(11): 1395-1421. PDF.
29.10.2003 BSPA, BSPR, VLNF, GRNZ, ALLS Longwave Downward Radiation Dew on sensors manually filtered out for period June 10 to July 10 2002.
13.10.2003 BSPA Wind Profiler Automatically processed data from the Wind Profiler at "Basel-Spalenring" added to the database (level B of low-mode) to the database. 2001-2002.
09.10.2003 BSPA, BSPR Psychrometer Uni Basel Specific humidity added for all psychrometer levels at BSPR and BSPA.
08.10.2003 BSPR Psychrometer Uni Basel Error in calibration of temperature/humidity (psychrometer-calibrations) at Basel-Sperrstrasse at level 21.50m (BSPRDTA4,BSPRDTA2) and Level 31.20m (BSPRDTA6) was leading to offset of 0.2 to 0.3K. Calibration should be ok now.
06.10.2003 BSPR CO2 and H2O -Fluxes Error in hardware (delay time) leads to wrong offset between LICOR 7500 and Sonic. Problem fixed. Refer to "Short Note on LICOR 7500 Lag Correction" for details.
24.07.2003 BSPA Radiation Error in calibration of long-wave downward radiation at Basel-Spalenring fixed (BSPRLDA1). See also the Radiation-Report on detailed information of radiation instruments and calibrations during BUBBLE.
10.06.2003 BSPR Traffic Counter Error in timing information of traffic counter data fixed (BSPRTRT1). Timing should be ok now.
04.06.2003 GRNZ, STLS Sodars Sodar data of "Grenzach" (Uni Basel) and "St.Louis (Uni Freiburg) added. See also overview plots on sodar data.