co2 and air chemistry

1. Standard Air Quality Network

During the BUBBLE experiment data from a total of 13 operational stations with continuous measurements of air chemical species including O3, NO, NOx, SO2, PM10, CO, CO2 are available (see sites overview). The stations are part of different measurement networks by local air quality control authorities: Lufthygieneamt beider Basel (Most of the stations in the city of Basel and Basel-Land), SAFU (Dornach), UMEG (Weil am Rhein, Rheinfelden), Institut für angewandte Pflanzenökologie (Schönenbuch), MeteoSwiss/EMPA (Basel-Binningen), ASPA (Huningue). Most of the data are available for the whole BUBBLE year or at least for the IOP. Most of the data can be downloaded from the Bubble-Database (password needed).

> Map overview on all stations with air chemical measurements.
Base map
: © Swiss Federal Office of Topography 2002 (JD022351).
Full year overview (BUBBLE period) on daily mean concentrations of O3, NO, NOx and PM10 at selected stations: "Basel-Feldbergstrasse" (high traffic street canyon), "Basel-St. Johann" (urban), "Aesch-Schlatthof" (rural) and measurements at the TV tower at "St. Chrischona" (150m above ground). 
All data:
© Lufthygieneamt beider Basel 2002.

2. CO2 Profile Measurements

At Basel-Sperrstrasse carbon dioxide profile measurements were carried out
by the University of Basel between December 2001 and July 2002. The
system consisted of a gas-multiplexer with inlets at 10 levels and a LICOR
6262. Mean profiles over 5 minutes were sampled. The system additionally measured H
2O concentrations. Data are available in the Bubble-Database (password needed).
Schematic view of the CO2 gas multiplexer system at Basel-Sperrstrasse (PDF-File).
The red flags indicate all positions of the inlets at the tower. The analyzer was operated down in the van.

3. CO2 Flux  Measurements
As part on the IOP, CO2/H2O flux measurements were carried out at Basel-Sperrstrasse by the University of Basel, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the University of British Columbia (UBC). Two LICOR 7500 open path analyzers were coupled with ultrasonic anemometers. One was installed at tower top (31.7m) and one at canyon top (14.7m) which resulted in high speed eddy-covariance fluxes of CO2 and H2O at two different heights. 10-minute fluxes are available in the Bubble-Database (password needed). Raw data are stored on CD-ROM. 

> Data Processing of high speed data.

4. NO2 Passive Sampler Profile

During the 4 weeks of the IOP passive samplers were mounted in 6 heights at the tower Basel-Sperrstrasse (1.5m, 3.1m, 6.8m, 10.8m, 15.0m, 21.2m). At each height 3 sampler tubes were exposed. The samplers were exposed over two weeks and therefore give an integral concentration of NO2 at the different heights. The two periods were:

(1) June 14 2002 to June 28 2002
(2) June 28 2002 to July 12 2002

The measurements were carried out by and analyzed by the "Lufthygieneamt beider Basel". 

Resluts of the two week measurements (data and plots, excel-file in german, password needed)

Passive sampler (left) and inlet of the gas multiplexer system (right) at Basel-Sperrstrasse, 1.5m, street level).

Standard passive sampler at Basel-Sperrstrasse (15.0m).

weekly overview plots

Download all plots for air chemistry measurements: O3, NO, NOx, PM10
(2.0MB, password needed). Time period: August 2001 to July 2002.

< Data Center