What is the Kärkevagge ?



Karta över Kiruna

Map of Swedish Lapland

The Kärkevagge belongs to the municipality of Kiruna, Swedish Lapland. Following the road from Kiruna in North-West direction, you come to Abisko, and after a couple of kilometres you will find the Kärkevagge.

The Kärkevagge ("vagge" comes from the Samen language and means valley) is about 5 km long and orientated from south-southeast to north-northwest. The Mt. Vassitjåkka (1580 m a.s.l.) in the West and the ridge of Kärketjårro (1400 m a.s.l.) in the East mark the border of the Kärkevagge. The bottom of the valley rises from 650 m a.s.l. in the North to 800 m a.s.l. in the South and ends at a cirque lake called Lake Rissajaure.

kvsmall.jpg (10850 bytes) View from the South into the Kärkevagge with Lake Rissajaure. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge (50kB).

The investigation were carried out in the Kärkevagge since detailed information about the occurrence of slush stream is available, but also due to logistical advantages. Additionally, there is a very good cooperation with the Abisko Scientific Research Station since longer times.


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