
The station "Grenzach" is located 5 km East of Basel
inside the valley of the Rhine-River. The turbulence
instruments were operated by the University of Basel on a 110m TV / Radio Tower in 28m height. Full radiation component and soil measurements were carried out at tower base. Additionally a SODAR was operated. 

Panorama from the Tower at 30m. (download jpeg-image including labels) 11.07.2002
Click with mouse down in the image to move around.

Click to access to full resolution Aerial Photo of the station sourrounding approximately 1 x 1 km (Password protected).


Name Grenzach
Number Re1
Site-Code GRNZ
Location easting 617830 m
Location northing 265130 m
Height a.s.l. 265 m (tower base)
Height of tower 110 m, EC at 28m
Vegetation Grassland
Shortwave Albedo 22.2% (1)
Operation period April 26 2002 - July 11 2002
June 5 2002 - July 12 2002 (SODAR)
(1) Mean value measured 1.4m above surface  (April 26 to July 12 2002).

List of all parameters

Measured parameters
at Grenzach.
Data Download Most of the data from Grenzach are available for BUBBLE-scientists through the BUBBLE-data download.

The TV-tower at Grenzach with the eddy covariance system mounted at 28m. 31.05.2002
The eddy-covariance system consists of a METEK USA-1 sonic and a Campbell Krypton KH20 hygrometer, Here looking at SE. 31.05.2002
The boom with the sonic and the fast hygrometer. 31.05.2002
The surface station north of the tower over grassland. 31.05.2002
The surface station supports radiation instrumentation, standard meteo and soil heat flux / soil temperatures. 31.05.2002
The radiation boom supports sall components: shortwave (Kipp & Zonen CM11), longwave (Eppley, from June 10, 2002 on) and additionally net radiation (Schenk). 10.06.2002
The net radiometer (Schenk). 31.05.2002
Panorama South-West of the tower. 05.02.2002
Sodar site viewed from the TV-tower towards W. A Scintec FAS64 was operated. 31.05.2002. 

> Sodar Data.



If nothing indicated, photos are by Andreas Christen, University of Basel

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