data set
The observational data set will be exploited to address the following main re
questions: (1) Sigma Characterization of turbulence statistics within the roughness
sublayer. Of particular interest are the turbulent fluxes of momentum and sensible heat
and the associated mean flow profile. Evaluation or generalisation of existing
and new (sensible heat) parameterizations. Assessment of the local scaling hypothesis for
other turbulence statistics. (2) Sigma Parameterization of the wind profile in the urban
boundary layer with special attention to the surface characteristics, the spatial
inhomogeneity and synoptic conditions. Characterization of the urban boundary layer height
(including evaluation of physical models) and - in combination with the surface data -
investigation of important scaling parameters such as the convective velocity scale
specifically over urban regions.
Such a data set will allow us to investigate the key parameters for urban dispersion modeling, namely, the surface momentum flux (profile), the surface heat flux (profile), the mixing height and associated scaling velocities, the profiles of mean wind speed and velocity variances throughout the urban boundary layer. For some of the mentioned variables, some data already exists and the project will contribute to extend the range of surfaces (roughness characteristics and density) studied so far. For others, nothing is presently available (e.g., the profile of sensible and latent heat flux within the urban RS) and the data will help to establish first attempts for parameterizations. The project will further give us the opportunity to show the feasibility of using the wind profiler technique for urban wind climatology, in combination with LIDAR data for determining the boundary layer height, and as a tool for the meteorological surveillance of installations with high hazard potential such as chemical and nuclear plants. |