| publications
Publications in reviewed
- Salamanca F., Martilli A. (2010): A new Building Energy Model coupled with an Urban Canopy Parameterization for urban climate simulations-part II. Validation with one dimension off-line simulations. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 99 (3-4), pp. 345-356
- Masson V., Seity Y. (2009): Including Atmospheric Layers in Vegetation and Urban Offline Surface Schemes. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48 (7), pp. 1377-1397
- Rasheed A. (2009): Multiscale modelling of urban climate.. Thèse EPFL, no 4531
- Kämpf J.H. (2009): On the modelling and optimisation of urban energy fluxes. Thèse EPFL, no 4548
- Hamdi R., Masson V. (2008): Inclusion of a drag approach in the Town Energy Balance (TEB) scheme: Offline 1D evaluation in a street canyon. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47 (10), pp. 2627-2644
- Rigo G., Parlow E. (2007): Modelling the ground heat flux of an urban area using remote sensing data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 90 (3-4), pp. 185-199
- Hamdi R., Schayes G. (2007): Validation of Martilli's urban boundary layer scheme with measurements from two mid-latitude European cities. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (17), pp. 4513-4526
- Rigo G., Parlow E., Oesch D. (2006): Validation of satellite longwave emission and net radiation with in-situ measurements during BUBBLE. Global Developments in Environmental Earth Observation from Space, pp. 123-128
- Roth M., Salmond JA., Satyanarayana ANV. (2006): Methodological considerations regarding the measurement of turbulent fluxes in the urban roughness sublayer: The role of scintillometery. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 121 (2), pp. 351-375
- Lujhar AK., Venkatram A., Lee SM. (2006): On relationships between urban and rural near-surface meteorology for diffusion applications. Atmospheric Environment 40 (34), pp. 6541-6553
- Rigo G., Parlow E., Oesch D. (2006): Validation of satellite observed thermal emission with in-situ measurements over an urban surface. Remote Sensing of Environment 104 (2), pp. 201-210
- Vogt R., Christen A., Rotach MW., et al. (2006): Temporal dynamics of CO2 fluxes and profiles over a central European city. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 84 (1-3), pp. 117-126
- Roulet YA., Martilli A., Rotach MW., et al. (2005): Validation of an urban surface exchange parameterization for mesoscale models - 1D case in a street canyon. Journal of Applied Meteorology 44 (9), pp. 1484-1498
- Rotach MWL., Vogt R., Bernhofer C., et al. (2005): BUBBLE - An urban boundary layer meteorology project. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 81 (3-4), pp. 231-261
- Ramamurthy P., Pol S., Pardyjak E., Klewicki J. (2004): Spatial and temporal variability of turbulent fluxes in the Joint Urban 2003 street canyon. 5th Symposium on the Urban Environment , pp. 87-92
- Christen A., Vogt R. (2004): Energy and radiation balance of a central European City. International Journal of Climatology 24 (11), pp. 1395-1421
- Martucci G., Matthey R., Mitev V. (2004): Two case studies of daily cycle PBL-dynamics over Basel: Backscatter lidar measurements. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 2 (561), pp. 765-768
- Martucci G., Mitev V., Matthey R., et al. (2004): Remote-Controlled automatic backscatter lidar for PBL and troposphere measurements: Description and first results. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5235, pp. 661-672
- Christen A., Vogt R. (2004): Energy and radiation balance of a central European city. Int. J. Climatol. 24(11): 1395-1421.
- Rotach M.W., Gryning S.-E. , Batchvarova E., Christen A. and Vogt R. (2004): Pollutant dispersion close to an urban surface - the BUBBLE tracer experiment. Meteorol. Atm. Phys. 87, 39-56.
- Rotach M.W., Vogt R., Bernhofer C., Batchvarova E., Christen A., Clappier A., Feddersen B., Gryning S.-E., Martucci G., Mayer H., Mitev V., Oke T.R., Parlow E., Richner H., Roth M., Roulet Y.A., Ruffieux D., Salmond J., Schatzmann M., Voogt J. (2004): BUBBLE - a Major Effort in Urban Boundary Layer Meteorology. Accepted by Theor. Appl. Climatol.
- Vogt R., Christen A., Rotach M.W., Roth M., Satyanarayana A.N.V. (2004): Fluxes and profiles of CO2 in the urban roughness sublayer. Accepted by: Theor. Appl. Climatol. Aug. 2004.
Contributions to
international conferences
- Christen, A., Rotach M.W., Vogt R. (2004): Experimental determination of the turbulent kinetic energy budget within and above an urban canopy Fifth AMS Symposium on the Urban Environment 23—27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (
PDF-File, 1.5MB, )
- Christen, A., Rotach M.W. (2004): Estimating wind speed at an urban reference height Fifth AMS Symposium on the Urban Environment 23 —27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada (
PDF-File, 300KB, )
- Christen A., Feigenwinter C., Roth M., Vogt R. (2004):
Selected characteristics of turbulent CO2 exchange above an urban surface.
Fluxnet International Workshop. Firenze, Italy, December 13-15 2004 (
PDF-File, 1MB).
- Feddersen B., Leitl B., Schatzmann M. (2004): Wind tunnel modelling of urban turbulence and dispersion over the City of Basel (Switzerland) within the BUBBLE project Fifth AMS Symposium on the Urban Environment 23 —27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada

- Krayenhoff E.S., Voogt J.A. (2004): Coupling of an Urban Surface Scheme with a 1-D Boundary Layer Model and Testing against Observed Data from Basel Fifth AMS Symposium on the Urban Environment 23 —27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada

- Piringer M., Baklanov A., Burzynski J.,De Ridder K., Deserti M., Joffre S., Karppinen A., Mestayer P., Middleton D.R., Tombrou M., Vogt R. and Christen A. (2004): The urban surface energy budget and the mixing height: Some results of recent European experiments stimulated by the COST - Action 715. 9th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, June 1-4, 2004 (
PDF-File, 130KB).
- Roth M., Salmond J.A. and Satyanarayana A. N. V. (2004): Application of scintillometry in the urban atmosphere Fifth AMS Symposium on the Urban Environment 23—27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

- Rigo G, Parlow E. (2004): Measurement and modelling of the ground heat flux of the City of Basel during BUBBLE by different methods Fifth AMS Symposium on the Urban Environment 23—27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

- Salmond J.A., Hammond D., Oke T.R., Vogt R., and Roth M. (2004): Intermittent exchange of heat and pollutants between the urban canopy and above-roof boundary layers at night 23—27 August, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

2003 - Christen A., Vogt R., Rotach M.W. (2003): Profile measurements of selected turbulence parameters over different urban surfaces. 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Prague March 25-27 2003, p. 408-411 (
PDF-File, 1.7MB). - Christen A., Bernhofer C., Parlow, E., Rotach, M.W., Vogt R. (2003): Partitioning of turbulent fluxes over different urban surfaces. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 300KB). - Christen A., Feigenwinter, C., Roth M., Vogt R. (2002): Vertical profiles of CO2 in an urban street canyon. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly April 6-11, 2003 Nice. Abstract No: EAE03-A-09760. (
PDF-File, 2.5MB). - Feddersen B., Leitl B., Rotach M.W., Schatzmann M. (2003): Wind tunnel investigation of the spatial variability of turbulence characteristics in the urban area of Basel City, Switzerland, Workshop Proceedings PHYSMOD2003, September 3-5, 2003, Prato, Italy, pp.23-25, Firenze University Press. (
PDF-File Abstract, 170KB, PDF-File Presentation, 3.5MB). - Gryning S.-E., Batchvarova E., Rotach M.W., Christen A., Vogt R. (2003): Roof level urban tracer experiment: measurements and modelling. 26th ITM NATO/CCMS international technical meeting on air pollution modelling and its application, May 26-30, 2003 Istanbul, 8p. (
PDF-File, 300KB). - Parlow E., Rigo G., Zecha L. (2003): Spatial distribution of net radiation from satellite imagery of the BUBBLE test site. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland
- Rigo G., Parlow E. (2003): Multitemporal analisys of the radiation temperature of the urban surface heat island in the city of Basel Workshop Remote Sensing of Urban Areas Regensburg, 2003. (
PDF-File, 1.6MB). - Rigo G., Zecha L., Parlow E. (2003): Validation of satellite longwave emission with in-situ measurements during BUBBLE. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 220KB). - Rotach M.W., Batchvarova E., Christen A., Gryning S.-E., Vogt R. (2003): The BUBBLE near-surface tracer release experiment. 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Prague March 25-27 2003, p. 30-33.
- Rotach M.W., Christen A., Vogt R. (2003): Profiles of turbulence statistics in the urban roughness sublayer with special emphasis to dispersion modeling. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 60KB). - Rotach, M.W. 2003: The Basel Urban Boundary Layer Experiment, IAUC newsletter, 2, 5-6.
- Rotach, M.W.; Fisher, B. and Piringer, M. (Eds.), 2003: Workshop on 'Urban Boundary Layer Parameterisations', EUR 20355, (ISBN: 92-894-4143-7), 119 pp.
- Roth M., Salmond J., Satyanarayana A.N.V, Christen A., Vogt, R., Oke T.R. (2003): Turbulence Characteristics, similarity and CO2 (co)spectra over an urban canyon Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 90KB). - Roulet Y.-A. (2003): Modelling of urban effects over the city of Basel (Switzerland) as a part of the BUBBLE project. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 50KB). - Salmond J.A., Roth M., Oke T.R., Satyanarayana A.N.V, Christen A. (2003): Methodological considerations regarding the use of scintillometers in the urban roughness sub-layer. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly April 6-11, 2003 Nice. Abstract No: EAE03-A-03195
- Salmond J.A., Roth M., Oke T., Satyanarayana A.N.V., Vogt R., Christen A. (2003): Comparison of turbulent fluxes from roof top versus street canyon locations using scintillometers and eddy covariance techniques. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4.p. (
PDF-File, 200KB). - Vogt R., Christen A., Rotach, M.W. (2003): Vertical structure of sensible heat flux in an urban canopy layer. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly April 6-11, 2003 Nice. Abstract No: EAE03-A-12252.
- Vogt R., Christen A., Rotach M.W., Roth M., Satyanarayana A.N.V. (2003): Fluxes and profiles of CO2 in the urban roughness sublayer. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 850KB). - Zecha L., Parlow E., Rigo G., Oesch, D. (2003): Influence of land use on diurnal course of longwave emissions (NOAA-AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat-ETM) during BUBBLE. Fifth International Conference on Urban Climate, September 1-5 2003, Lodz, Poland 4p. (
PDF-File, 220KB).
2002 - Christen A., Vogt R., Rotach M.W., Parlow E. (2002): First Results from BUBBLE I: Profiles of fluxes in the urban roughness sublayer. AMS 4th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Norfolk VA. paper 9.8, 105-106 (
PDF-File, 528KB). - Christen A., Vogt R., Rotach M.W., Parlow E. (2002): First Results from BUBBLE II: Partitioning of turbulent heat fluxes over urban surfaces. AMS 4th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Norfolk VA. paper P4.1, 137-138 (
PDF-File, 2.7MB). - Rotach, M.W., Mitev, V.; Vogt, R.; Clappier, A.; Richner, H. and Ruffieux, D.: 2002, ' BUBBLE - current status of the experiment and planned investigation of the urban mixing height', in: Piringer, M. and Kukkonen, J. (Eds.): Mixing height and inversions in urban areas, proceedings of the workshop 3 and 4 October 2001, Toulouse, France, (ISBN: 92-984-4214-X), 45-51.
- Rotach, M.W. (2002): Overview on the Basel Urban Boundary Layer Experiment - BUBBLE. AMS 4th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Norfolk VA. paper 3.6 25-26 (
PDF-File, 639KB). - Rotach, M.W.: 2002, 'The siting, choice and operation of surface instrumentation in urban areas', in Piringer, M. (Ed.): Surface energy balance in urban areas, Extended abstracts of a COST 715 expert meeting, Antwerp, April 12 2000, EUR 19447, (ISBN: 92-984-1413-8), 5-15.
- Roulet, Y.A. (2002): Integration of urban effects in a mesoscale dynamical model over the region of Basel (Switzerland) as a part of the BUBBLE experiment.AMS 4th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Norfolk VA. paper 2.4, 13-14 (
PDF-File, 980KB). - Ruffieux, D., Tharin N., Berger H. (2002): Use of a low tropospheric wind profiler within an urban environment. Instruments and Observing Methods TECO-2002, Bratislava (SL), 23-25 September, 2002. WMO Report 25, WMO/TD-No 1123 (
PDF-File, 470KB). 2001 - Rotach, M.W.; Fisher, B. and Piringer, M. (2002): COST 715 Workshop on Urban Boundary Layer Parameterizations, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83 (10), 1501-1504.
- Rotach, M.W.: 2001, 'Meteorological Preprocessors for urban applications - the Situation in Switzerland', in: Schatzmann, M.; Brechler, J, and Fisher, B. (Eds.): 'Preparation of meteorological data for urban site studies', proceedings of the COST 715 workshop, Prague, June 15 2000, EUR 19446 (ISBN: 92-984-0923-1), 51-52.
- Rotach, M.W: 2001, 'Wind input data for urban dispersion modeling', in: Schatzmann, M.; Brechler, J, and Fisher, B. (Eds.): 'Preparation of meteorological data for urban site studies', proceedings of the COST 715 workshop, Prague, June 15 2000, EUR 19446 (ISBN: 92-984-0923-1), 77-86.
Thesis / reports
- Christen A. (2005): 'Atmospheric turbulence and surface energy
exchange in urban environments'. PhD-Thesis in Meteorology.
Institute of Meteorology, Climatology and Remote Sensing University of
Basel (
- Doerksen G. (2004): 'Parameterization of net radiation in urban and
suburban environments'. Master-Thesis, Department of Earth and
Ocean Sciences; Atmospheric Science Programme, UBC, Vancouver B.C.
- Feddersen B (2005): 'Wind tunnel modelling of turbulence and
dispersion above tall and highly dense urban roughness'. PhD-Thesis.
ETH No. 15934.
- Roulet Y.-A. (2004): 'Validation and application of an urban
turbulence parameterisation scheme for mesoscale atmospheric models'.
Thèse de doctorat présentée à la faculté environnement naturel,
architectural et construit section des sciences et ingénierie de
l'environnement. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (
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