data policy |
for additional information contact: Mathias Rotach | |||
I: Data providers and the
respective responsible scientists are ETH (Richner), U Basel
(Vogt), MeteoSwiss (Rotach, Ruffieux), Obs. Neuchâtel (Mitev), IU (Grimmond), UBC
(Oke), U Singapore (Roth), U Western Ontario (Voogt), U Tasmania (Nunez),
U Padova (Pitacco), U Freiburg (Mayer), TU Dresden (Bernhofer), Risø
National Laboratory (Gryning), University of Hamburg (Schatzmann),
National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, Sofia (Batchvarova) II: The data providers share
the data set gathered as a whole. Each of the data providers keeps the
others informed on the results of his research. III: The entire BUBBLE data set
can be made available to external groups if all the data providers agree.
The 'applicant' gets the data for a clearly specified project.
Disagreement can be claimed if a data provider himself/herself wants to
perform the research as proposed by the 'applicant'. In particular, the
research interests of the involved PhD students (i.e., those from the data
provider groups) have to be given highest priority. IV: If the (external) 'applicant'
works together with one or more of the data providers, the (possible)
objections of the other data providers have to be particularly well
founded. V: Giving away data does not
qualify for co-authorship in publications, which result from the research
of the 'applicant', unless a data provider has actively contributed to the
establishment of the achieved results. However, it qualifies for 'acknowledgements'. VI: Subsets of a data
provider’s own data can be given away by one of the data providers for
highly specific research questions [As an example: if the wind profiler
group would want to give away some of the raw data to another group, who
would want to test a new algorithm to retrieve turbulence statistics]. In
such a case the other data providers will be informed but not consulted. |