Publications related to the BASTA project
Feigenwinter, C. (1999): The vertical structure of turbulence above an urban canopy. Ph. D. thesis, MCR Lab, University of Basel, stratus 7, 76 pp. (download pdf-file, 2 MB)
Feigenwinter, C., Vogt, R. and Parlow, E. (1999): Analysis of organized structures in urban turbulence. ICUC '99 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 8-12 November, Sydney, Australia, Abstract book, p. 183
Vogt, R. and Feigenwinter, C. (1999): Structure of turbulent exchange above a forest. ICB '99 (International Conference on Biometeorology), 8-12 November, Sydney, Australia, Abstract book, p. 108
Keller, P., Fehrenbach, U., Feigenwinter, C., Parlow, E., Scherer, D. and Vogt, R. (1999): Mapping of roughness parameters for the city of Basel, Switzerland, by a GIS supported analysis of the urban morphology. ICUC '99 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 8-12 November, Sydney, Australia, Abstract book, p. 183
Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U., Feigenwinter, C., Parlow, E., and Vogt, R. (1999): The urban cold island of Basel, Switzerland - Implications from a case study. ICUC '99 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 8-12 November, Sydney, Australia, Abstract book, p. 78
Feigenwinter C., Vogt, R. & Parlow, E., (1999): Vertical structure of selected turbulence characteristics above an urban canopy. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 62, pp. 51-63 (download pdf-file, 427 K)
Feigenwinter C., Vogt, R. & Parlow, E. (1998): Organized motions in urban turbulence - a wavelet analysis. Symposium on advances in regional climatology, 5 - 7 October 1998, Karlsruhe, Germany. Book of abstracts, p. 123
van Gorsel, Eva (1998): Aspekte der turbulenten Strömung über einer städtischen Oberfläche. Diplomarbeit, MCR Lab, University of Basel, Basel. (download pdf-file, 2.5 MB)
Feigenwinter C., Vogt, R. & Parlow, E., (1997): Vertical structure of turbulence above an urban canopy. Preprints of the12th Symposium of Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Vancouver, Canada. Am. Met. Soc., 472-473
Feigenwinter C., Vogt, R. & Parlow, E. (1996): Probing the urban canopy layer: Micrometeorological aspects of the BASTA project, ICUC96 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 10-14 June 1996, Essen, Germany, Book of abstracts, pp 75-76
Parlow, E. (1996): Net radiation of the urban agglomeration of Basel/Switzerland derived from high-resolution satellite data of Landsat-TM, ICUC96 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 10-14 June 1996, Essen, Germany, Book of abstracts, pp. 56-57
Vogt, R., Feigenwinter, C., Paw U, K. T. and Pitacco, A., (1997): Intercomparison of ultrasonic anemometers. Preprints of the12th Symposium of Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Vancouver, Canada. Am. Met. Soc.,354-355
Vogt, R. & Feigenwinter C. (1996): Turbulence above an urban canopy, ICUC96 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 10-14 June 1996, Essen, Germany, Book of abstracts, pp. 45-46
Vogt, R. (1995): Theorie, Technik und Analyse der experimentellen Flussbestimmung am Beispiel des Hartheimer Kiefernwaldes. Stratus 3, Diss. Phil.-Nat.-Fak. Universität Basel.
Vogt, R., Gempeler, M., Garthe H.J., Feigenwinter C. (1995): Momentum and sensible heat fluxes above an urban canopy layer - an intercomparison of three types of Solent sonics. Annales Geophysicae, 13, Supplement II:C549
Beha, H.D., Parlow, E. & Scherer, D. (1995): Land-use classification of the urban agglomeration of Basel/Switzerland combining multisensoral satellite data from Landsat-TM and ERS-1, in: Parlow, E. (ed.): Progress in Environmental Remote Sensing Research and Applications, 429-435.
Beha, H.D., Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U. & Parlow, E. (1996): Integration of measurement data in the analysis of the regional climate of Basel/Switzerland, ICUC96 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 10-14 June 1996, Essen, Germany, Book of abstracts, pp. 141-142
Scherer, D., Parlow, E., Fehrenbach, U. & Beha, H.D. (1996): Analysis of the regional climate of Basel/Switzerland - concepts for a preoperational approach, ICUC96 (International Conference on Urban Climatology), 10-14 June 1996, Essen, Germany, Book of abstracts, pp. 139-140
Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U., Beha, H.D. & Parlow E. (1996): Improved Concepts and Methods in Analysis and Evaluation of the Urban Climate for Optimizing Urban Planning Processes, submitted to: Atmospheric Environment
Parlow, E., Scherer, D., Beha, H.D., Gossmann, H. & Braun, H.-M. (1996): Urban climatological parameters derived from multisensor satellite data of ers-1 and Landsat-TM, Proceedings of the Second ERS Applications Workshop, London, UK, 6-8 Dec 1995, 173-178.
Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U., Parlow, E. & Beha, H.D. (1995): Determination of aggregated areal types from a Landsat-TM and ERS-1 based land-use classification for the agglomeration of Basel/Switzerland, in: Parlow, E. (ed.): Progress in Environmental Remote Sensing Research and Applications, 197-200.
Scherer, D., Parlow, E. & Beha, H.D. (1995): Roughness parameter derivation from ERS-1 and Landsat-TM satellite data for the agglomeration of Basel/Switzerland, in: Parlow, E. (ed.): Progress in Environmental Remote Sensing Research and Applications, 325-329.
Gempeler, M. (1995): Analyse der Strömungsbedingungen an der BASTA-Station im Hinblick auf die messtechnischen Aspekte bei der Bestimmung turbulenter Flüsse. Dipolomarbeit am Geographischen Institut der Universität Basel
Parlow, E. (1995): Net radiation in the REKLIP-area - A spatial approach using satellite data, in: Parlow, E. (ed.): Progress in Environmental Remote Sensing Research and Applications, 429-435.