As described in the proposal, the requested project is closely connected to other international projects ongoing at our institute (Regio Klima Projekt REKLIP, ESA ERS-1 pilote study ERSClip, Remote Sensing of Mediterrean Desertification processes and Environmental Stability RESMEDES, Klimaanalyse Basel KABA). This leads to a close cooperation with other international research groups (Institut für Physische Geographie der Universität Freiburg i. Brsg., Institut für Meteorologie und Hydrologie der TU Dresden, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) and the access of the results in international projects is secured.
At present the co-applicant Dr. R. Vogt is for a research stay at the atmospheric Science department, University of California in Davis, USA, where he works with the group of Prof. Paw U, who specializes in turbulent wavelet analysis. In January 1997 we expect Dr. A. Pitacco, a scientist from the Dept. of Environmental Agronomy & Crop Science, Univ. of Padova Bologna, Italy, for a two-month stay at our institute to the subject of turbulence-spectra.
Furtheron our Institute applies for participation in the new action COST "Urban Pollution Meteorology". The main objective of this action is to increase knowledge of, and the accessibility to, the main meteorological parameters which determine urban pollution levels, by comparing and contrasting methods in use in European countries. At 13th Technical Committee Meeting on Meteorology a new Working Group topic "surface heat fluxes in urban areas: use and validation of parametrization schemes" was proposed. This emphasizes the importance of further analysis of our data-set.