The Cork Oak Canopy | The Turbulence and Flux Tower |
In-Canopy Turbulence and Scintillometry |
Additional Measurements | ||
The WATERUSE measurement campaign 2003 was carried out in a cork oak plantation near Rio Frio, Portugal. The canopy is located in flat terrain and has a density of 76 trees ha-1 and a mean height of 10 m. A patchy understorey (Cystus crispus) reaches 0.4 m in average. > MORE |
A profile tower with 9 levels of ultrasonic anemometers and 5 levels of carbon dioxide open path analyzers was deployed in the cork oak plantation to study in detail the vertical flux denisty divergence of sensible heat, water and CO2 as well as turbulence characteristics. > MORE |
An array of 8 ultrasonic anemometers was run in the trunk space of the cork oak plantation in order to estimate the horizontal variability of fluxes. A small aperture scintillometer provides area averaged fluxes at same height. However, the applicability of scintllometry in this environment is in doubt and this experiment adressed the comparability of in-canopy sonic measurements and scintillometry in the canopy sublayer. > MORE |
All four radiation components were measured at tower top and within an open area in the canopy. Soil heat flux and temperatures were sampled at three different positions. Finally, a flat-array SODAR probes the lowest 500m of the boundary layer by sound waves above the cork oak plantation. > MORE |
2004 Institute of Meteorology, Climatology and Remote Sensing, University of Basel